“Smile and dial” is a standard phrase in telesales. New salespeople are continually told that prospective customers can “hear your smile” through the phone, and three psychologists at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom proved it! They studied the effects of smiling on one’s tone of voice and whether listeners could tell the difference when they couldn’t see the person talking. The study showed not only that “listeners can discriminate different smile types” but that listeners can “discern whether a person is smiling.” People can hear your smile!
Jesus first public sermon is recorded in Mark 1:15–16. Jesus declared, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” His sermon invited people to accept His gospel. The word gospel in the Greek means “good news.” The Greek term originates from the same word in Hebrew. In those days, when Israel won a war, runners would spread the “good news” of victory throughout the land.
As you imagine the faces of those runners as they spread the “gospel,” what do you see? As you imagine Jesus’ face during His first public sermon, what do you see? Jesus called His message “good news”! Do you think He was sad? Do you think He was emotionless? Do you think He sounded like a doleful Shakespearean actor? No! It is good news! The best of news!
The smile we have from our relationship with Jesus is not a fake, pasted-on grin. You didn’t have to manufacture your enthusiasm for the five-star restaurant you went where you just enjoyed a scrumptious meal (and probably a luscious desert). The person you were talking to could see, hear, and feel your excitement! And they were probably ready to eat there soon because of your smile and energy.
Friends, you don’t need to fake anything in your recommendation of Jesus. That doesn’t help you overcome your fear of evangelism, and it certainly doesn’t draw in your listeners. I’m asking you to sit with Jesus and evaluate how good your life is because of Him. Meditate on His unwavering faithfulness to you. Let these thoughts and memories sink in. Do you feel the emotion? Does thinking of how He has changed your life cause you to smile? Recalling what Jesus has done in our lives organically produces enthusiasm and joy!
You are going to be sharing the Good News. In John 10:10, Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” Don’t let the thief destroy how Jesus has changed your life and the life that is available for you, and available to the person with whom you’re sharing. Smile, and make the devil mad. Smile and let the Good News radiate from your heart. Remember, people can hear you smile.
For more on sharing your faith, my book, GO: Flex Your Story Power will equip you to offer hope and encouragement through your story.