Be. Go. Make.
Many of God’s people do not GO and MAKE disciples because they lack confidence and clarity in what it means to BE a follower of Jesus.

BGM, TREXO’s secret sauce, solves this issue by training God’s people in a powerful recipe to BE disciples.

Your people electrified, encountering Trinitarian vitality, leads to generational movement. Movement happens as BGM equips Christians to GO and flex their story power, sharing Jesus’ love as our Father leads.

Then, your people are trained to MAKE disciples of others – impacting lives for the Kingdom, growing your ministry, and glorifying God!
“One of the great obstacles in making disciples is a lack of clarity in being a disciple.” – Jim Stern
Our solutions include books, consulting, speaking, conferences, and retreats. All TREXO's content is biblical, transformational, simple, and usable in everyday life.