Don’t Just Learn—Follow

I admit it I love to preach. I love to teach Bible studies. I love to serve the Lord and His people by setting up chairs, sweeping floors, or making coffee. I am a terrible singer, so I don’t try to lead singing, but I love to give financially to our Father and to kingdom causes. All of these are …

Are You Ready?

In a pop-culture world where it seems that every other movie is about a supercharged hero with some cool ability to fly or shoot lasers out of their eyes, my two biggest heroes are a geophysicist and a lawyer! Those are their Clark Kent roles. As far as I know, neither one of them can walk up walls, turn green, …

The Trilogy: Electrifying Believers to Make Disciples

One day back in 2010, I was sharing some fear and anxiety about my career with a brother in the Lord. After listening to me and feeling my vibe, this guy quoted Jesus, from Matthew 11:28–30, Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, …

Kate’s Story

Kate’s life is an excellent story about the power of personal discipleship to move someone from confusion to clarity in the faith. Kate starts her story, “I was so messed up. I was just running around trying to figure this out (life in Christ) in my late 20’s. I knew there was hunger and an unsatisfied feeling. So I jumped …


Confusion was the number one response Jesus’ disciples had to Jesus’ teaching. I thought their normal response would have been awe and wonder. Nope. Jesus taught, and they replied, “Huh?” In Mark 7:14-16, Jesus taught a parable prioritizing the inner cleanliness of a person’s heart over outward appearance. Verse 17 says that after the teaching, when Jesus and His team …

The Most Important Message

A long time ago, I read a quote somewhere that I’ve never been able to find again but that I’ve never forgotten either. It was one of those lines that so penetrates you, you only have to encounter it once. The quote went something like this: “Every time you preach, do so as if the eternity of men’s souls hangs …

Pursuing A Reckless, Crazy Strategy

Pursuing A Reckless, Crazy Strategy God loves to work in the realm of the impossible. Therefore, He puts you and me in impossible situations in order that we can see that He is the One who comes through and works things out. Once Joshua passed away, Israel was led by judges for a period of time. Ten of them are …


That’s the Will of God? Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Why would giving thanks be the will of God? When you think about the will of God, do you not think of “bigger” things. It is the will of God for me to move …

Who Likes Boring?

Who likes dull, lifeless things? How many people live in pursuit of the bland? Gray may be an in-vogue color for a wall in one’s home, but it is never in vogue as the condition of one’s heart. Where is the color and the fullness? Where is the life? Where is the brilliance? The word brilliant comes from the Latin …