What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?
ROMANS 8:31–32
Take a moment to envision an area of your life that you are most naturally confident. You may be confident in cooking, landscaping, hunting, engineering, or buying and selling commercial real estate. Where are you the most confident in your life?
Now, envision yourself in that secure place. Think for a moment about the benefits and peace you receive in your life when you’re in that space. You don’t have any anxiety. You don’t have any fear that somebody’s going to prove that you’re wrong or disturb you. You’re confident, and therefore, in that place, nobody can create any negativity in your life because you have certainty. Maybe you’ve been doing it for a long time. Maybe you’re naturally gifted. Whatever the reason, you are at peace when you’re in the area of your life that gives you the most confidence. And it creates such an incredible atmosphere for you to relax and enjoy that aspect of your life.
Now that you’ve caught what confident space looks and feels like, I want to ask you this: What’s keeping you from having that same kind of confidence in your relationship with the Lord?
What would it take for you to have that same certainty in your relationship with Jesus that you do in the kitchen or hunting or the marketplace? What is keeping you from having that kind of conviction with, and in, Him?
Many followers of Christ have a good amount of Bible knowledge. They are very articulate in what they believe. They believe in Jesus. They believe in God the Father. They believe in the Holy Spirit. But when someone asks them about their confidence in the faithfulness of God, the responses aren’t as sharp or quickly spoken.
Their confidence in God to work in and through them is almost nonexistent.
Like other areas of your life, confidence in God’s faithfulness grows as you experience His provision each day. You can begin growing your confidence by praying through one particular need today. Maybe you need wisdom for a business decision, the power to overcome negative thoughts or the patience to endure in a trial. Identify one need you have today and surrender it to your Father. Let Him lead. When He delivers, remember your prayer and then celebrate His work! Watch your confidence grow.
Be encouraged today because confidence in Jesus Christ is possible for you. Use that unique confidence you have from your other areas of life and establish that as your standard in your relationship with God. Then pray and ask your Father, by the work of the Holy Spirit, to make you more confident in Him than in any other area of your life. Watch what an incredible difference that will make.
Breathe deeply today as your confidence in God’s faithfulness grows.
This devotion is an excerpt from my book, Big, Deep, Breath. It’s a forty-five-day journey to help you breathe in the love and rest of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Big Deep Breath is available from our Trexo website or Amazon.