Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. JOHN 14:27
Jesus offers us a heart filled with peace. Peace, for Jesus, is the quiet calm that comes from resting in and trusting the faithfulness of God our Father to provide all our needs. In the perfect hands of our Father, what do we have to fear or be troubled by?
When we fill our hearts with the promised peace of Jesus, we will breathe deeply. The depth, or lack of depth, of our breathing, can help us know if we are genuinely experiencing Jesus’ promise. Deep breathing is a meaningful part of our faith. When we are right in the Lord, our breathing will be affected.
Jesus and His disciples were on a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. A fierce wind approached, causing waves to break over the boat. Jesus slept peacefully. Anticipating their death, the disciples woke Him: “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38). Can you imagine the difference in their breathing? The same storm. Same boat. Same lake. Jesus, in faith, breathing deeply. The disciples, in fear, breathing sharply. Jesus got up, rebuked the storm, and said to the disciples, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40).
Often, we can measure the depth of our faith by the depth of our breathing.
But we do not have to be in a life-threatening storm to shorten our breathing. We can easily forget the love and faithfulness of our Father in more mundane, daily needs. When we lose focus on Him, we begin to feel the responsibility and pressure of life squeeze and tighten. Breath shortens and quickens.
You should learn to listen to your breathing.
Let me remind you of the invitation to rest in the love and faithfulness of God your Father. Powerful words of truth that can nourish your confidence to follow Jesus will fill each day’s reading.
At this moment, how is your breathing? What is active in your heart or mind that keeps you from experiencing the promised peace of Jesus? Surrender the issue(s) to your Father, feel the pressure release, and enjoy His love!
Breathe deeply today and understand the connection between your breath and your faith.
This devotion is an excerpt from my book, Big, Deep, Breath. It’s a forty-five-day journey to help you breathe in the love and rest of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Big Deep Breath is available from our Trexo website or Amazon.